Wednesday, August 1, 2012

identified person has donated two diamonds worth Rs.1.18 crore

An identified person has donated two diamonds worth Rs.1.18 crore to the Shirdi Saibaba Temple here, an official said Wednesday.

"A Sai Baba devotee donated two diamonds of two and three carats each and a gold chain. We found the diamonds in the temple's donation box. They are valued at Rs.1.18 crore," said an official of the Shri Saibaba Sansthan Trust that runs the temple.

However, this is not for the first time the temple has received such a big donation.

In March this year, Mumbai businessman Kiran Mehta donated a 40-kg silver throne. The estimated value of the throne was over Rs.20 lakh.

In December 2007, a builder from Hyderabad donated a 95-kg gold throne worth nearly Rs.9.5 crore on which the idol of Saibaba now rests.

Eight players disqualified in Olympics

London,Eight shuttlers, charged with throwing away badminton matches at the Olympics, were Wednesday disqualified from the Games.

A source told Xinhua that the players have been disqualified for "not using one's best efforts to win a match".

"The pairs have been charged ... with 'not using one's best efforts to win a match' and 'conducting oneself in a manner that is clearly abusive or detrimental to the sport'," the Badminton World Federation (BWF) said earlier in a statement.

Four minor blasts rock Pune, one injured, panic strikes in the city

Pune: In a span of 10 minutes, four low intensity blasts rocked the city of Pune. One person has been reportedly injured outside Bal Gandharva Rang mandir theatre, which is considered to be a busy locality. Watch: Four minor blasts rock Pune, one injured

The second blast took place on Jangali Maharaj Road, outside MC Donalds restaurant. The bomb was placed in a dust bin.

One blast took place outside Dena bank ATM on the same street. The bomb was kept in a cycle carrier

The fourth blast took place at Garware chowk.

Later on, two bombs were also found outside Bal Gandharva theatre. One of them has been defused.

All the blasts occurred within a radius of one kilometre.

Police, bomb disposal squad and ATS have rushed to the spot.

The reason of the serial blasts is yet to be ascertained. Terrorist attack cannot be ruled out.

The police say that the blasts were meant to create panic in the city and suspect a local hand being triggering the blasts.

"These were low intensity blasts, detonators and pencil cells have been used, we cannot confirm terrorist attack," Pune Police Commissioner.

He also said that the blasts may an act of mischief created by some anti-social elements.

Notably, Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde was supposed to visit Pune this evening to attend a function. He, however, cancelled the visit earlier during the day.

In February 2010, more than 15 people were killed in a bomb blast at German Bakery in the city.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Gagan Narang joins the elite list of Indian Olympic medalists

Since it first participated in Olympic Games in 1900 at Paris,
India has won 21 medals. Of these, 9 are gold (8 in field hockey, 1 in shooting); 4 silver (2 in athletics, 1 each in field hockey and shooting); and 8 bronze (2 each in field hockey and wrestling, and 1 each in shooting, weightlifting, tennis and boxing).Not much to boast about, really, but in a country that has no real, systematic sporting culture it is stirring to see some of its sons and daughters overcome great odds and succeed against the best in the world. What motivates these champions is awesome passion, immense talent, great mental strength and the burning desire to be the best that you can be. So here are India’s Olympic medal winners, who did the country proud and imparted further credibility to an Olympic motto: ‘The essence lies not in the victory, but also in the struggle’

We no need previous histroy of medals but what we are achived in 2012 is the very important,
120 cores of people hopes in our players, we are seen last 3 days every player is playing very hardly and confidently, they are very hard work in every player heart,

 but we need more players for feature india.
i know the really good players personally but they have very good talent but they dont have intrested continoue their carrier because

  • They dont have strong financial background.
  • No support from govt or other sources.
so many players career closed in starting stage only,
so if need medals to Feature india, Need more support to Feature Players.

All the best.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Women'sTeam (Hockey) from Netherlands - best looking team in Olympics ?

India blackout leaves 300 millions without power

Grid failure left more than 300 million people without power in New Delhi and much of northern India for hours on Monday in the worst blackout for more than a decade, highlighting chronic infrastructure woes holding back Asia's third-largest economy.

The lights in Delhi and seven states went out in the early hours, leaving the capital's workers sweltering overnight and then stranded at metro stations in the morning rush hour as trains were cancelled.

Electricity supplies were restored to Delhi and much of Uttar Pradesh, a state with more people than Brazil, by midday (06: 30). But the states of Rajasthan, Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir were still without full power in the early evening.

Power Minister Sushilkumar Shinde said all power would be restored within hours.

Power shortages and a creaky road and rail network have weighed heavily on the country's efforts to industrialize. Grappling with the slowest economic growth in nine years, Delhi recently scaled back a target to pump $1 trillion into infrastructure over the next five years.

Major industries have dedicated power plants or large diesel generators and are shielded from outages -- but the inconsistent supply affects investment and disrupts small businesses. Office blocks, hotels and large apartment buildings all use backup diesel generators.

Chaos reigned on Delhi's always-hectic roads on Monday as stop lights failed and thousands of commuters abandoned the metro. Water pumping stations ran dry.

"First, no power since 2 in the morning, then no water to take a shower and now the metro is delayed by 13 minutes after being stuck in traffic for half an hour," said 32-year-old Keshav Shah, who works 30 km outside the capital.

"As if I wasn't dreading Monday enough, this had to happen."

The government's top economic planning adviser, Montek Singh Ahluwalia, said the blackout may have been caused by a mix of coal shortages and other problems on the grid.

"I've no doubt that this is the area that we need to show improved performance in, and we also need show a clear sense of what we are doing to prevent it," Ahluwalia told Reuters at his office, where power had been restored some hours earlier.


He said the grid was better networked now than five years ago and power sharing was more common.

But blackouts lasting up to eight hours a day are frequent in much of the country and have sparked angry protests on the industrial fringes of Delhi this summer, the hottest in years.

At least 200 trains were cancelled with some stranded. Authorities made restoring services to hospitals and transport systems a priority.

Shinde blamed the outage on an incident near Agra, the home of the Taj Mahal, without giving details. He said repairs were being carried out fast compared to a similar grid outage in the United States four years ago.

"In 2008, there was a power failure in the USA. Their Federal Energy Regulatory Commission asked India for assistance and it took four days to restore the power," he told reporters.

India suffers a peak hour power deficit of about 10 percent. It has been made worse this year by a weak monsoon, driving demand from farmers pumping more water from wells.

The outage forced the shutdown of a nuclear power plant at Rawatbhata in the desert state of Rajasthan. It will take about 48 hours to restart. Hydroelectric plants in the Himalayas and thermal power stations in the wheat belt of Punjab and Haryana were slowly returning to normal.

India has the world's fifth-largest coal reserves and relies on it for two-thirds of its power generation. Wrangles over land and environmental clearances and failure to invest in new mines and technology have held back coal output as demand rises.

Funny Facebook Users Mistakes

Facebook is undoubtedly the virtual residence of most people.

Not only does it let you connect with friends, but also keeps the humour factor up and going for curious onlookers. Most Facebook users inadvertently witness a lot of messaging and wall post mistakes and can vouch for the fact that people can get pretty stupid when it comes to posting online. Here are some hilarious examples:

1. Spelling Mistakes

One can understand your enthusiasm in expressing yourself, but spelling mistakes are unacceptable in every sense of the word. The hilarity ensues when friends try to post the rectified statements as comments. One can come across examples like “live like you were dieing” or “If i tld u whts on my mind id hv 2 kill u.” As if suffering the torments of Life isn’t enough, now one has to endure such tortures on cyberspace, as well.

2. Status Mistakes

Some people really should not use Facebook, mostly because their silly status updates put mankind to shame. The stupidity ranges from silly proclamations of failed love, to angsty announcements of the unfairness of life. People need to realise that even though Facebook gives you the liberty to personalise your content, every emotion need not be conveyed at all times. Freedom of speech does not account for wasting precious cyberspace with personal rants on insignificant subjects. Choose your status updates wisely!

3. Add Friends Wisely

The funniest thing to happen to a person would be to get caught badmouthing their bosses on a virtual platform. If you feel that you cannot control your urges to express how you feel about your superiors, then at least refrain from including them in your list of friends. This way, you’d be saving yourself from a lot of embarrassment. This holds true for your family as well. If you feel that your posted content might offend familial feelings, make appropriate privacy settings to stay safe from apprehension.

4. Too Many Photos

The most annoying thing to encounter on your news feed is the flurry of unnecessary pictures that one keeps posting or tagging. One can sympathise with your need to share your experiences with the world, but every experience need not be shared. Sometimes sharing your photos can land you in compromising situations with bosses or the family. So, you need to be very careful of what you upload on Facebook.

5. Relationship Updates

The tendency to update your relationship status every minute, along with graphic information of your personal life, is an uncomfortable prospect for your friends. You need to keep your tales of intimacy out of the public domain. Not only will this preserve your relationship, but will also help maintain your reputation.

Abstaining from making these mistakes will be a boon for any Facebook user. While such posts do well to entertain us, they are unacceptable in many ways. If people exercise some caution over what they disclose on Facebook, they will be saving themselves from losing face.
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