Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Gagan Narang joins the elite list of Indian Olympic medalists

Since it first participated in Olympic Games in 1900 at Paris,
India has won 21 medals. Of these, 9 are gold (8 in field hockey, 1 in shooting); 4 silver (2 in athletics, 1 each in field hockey and shooting); and 8 bronze (2 each in field hockey and wrestling, and 1 each in shooting, weightlifting, tennis and boxing).Not much to boast about, really, but in a country that has no real, systematic sporting culture it is stirring to see some of its sons and daughters overcome great odds and succeed against the best in the world. What motivates these champions is awesome passion, immense talent, great mental strength and the burning desire to be the best that you can be. So here are India’s Olympic medal winners, who did the country proud and imparted further credibility to an Olympic motto: ‘The essence lies not in the victory, but also in the struggle’

We no need previous histroy of medals but what we are achived in 2012 is the very important,
120 cores of people hopes in our players, we are seen last 3 days every player is playing very hardly and confidently, they are very hard work in every player heart,

 but we need more players for feature india.
i know the really good players personally but they have very good talent but they dont have intrested continoue their carrier because

  • They dont have strong financial background.
  • No support from govt or other sources.
so many players career closed in starting stage only,
so if need medals to Feature india, Need more support to Feature Players.

All the best.

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