Sunday, July 29, 2012

'Secret Agent' who persuaded Queen to be 'Bond Girl' for Olympics revealed

Even the Queen could not resist an invitation from '007' star Daniel Craig when he asks her to accompany him on a special mission, which resulted in the most talked-about sequence of Danny Boyle's stunning Olympics Opening Ceremony.

It was all the irrepressible Boyle's idea and he raised it with London 2012 chief Sebastian Coe.

But it could not be possible without one man, who played a big role in putting the idea into reality.

And he's none other than the Queen's deputy private secretary, Edward Young, a former adviser to William Hague, the Daily Mail has revealed.

He acted as the go-between Boyle's team and the palace, which has led some insiders to refer to him as the 'Secret Agent'.

Lord Coe had served as chief of staff to William Hague around the time Young was working as the then Opposition leader's communications chief.

Palace insiders felt it was a fortuitous connection that at least gave Lord Coe a chance of winning approval for the plan.

The idea appealed to Young, 45, who went to Reading Grammar School and worked in managerial roles at Barclays before becoming an adviser to Shadow Chancellor Francis Maude and then Hague.

Young, who is married, moved to Granada TV as communications director in 2001 before taking up his role at Buckingham Palace in 2007.

Sources said Her Majesty's only stipulation for her acting role was that she would choose what to wear. Eschewing the bikini favoured by some who have gone before her - most memorably Ursula Andress and Halle Berry - she decided on a salmon dress.

In the helicopter scene, she was played by Julia McKenzie, famed for portraying Miss Marple. The scene concluded with the stunt double of the Queen, Daredevil Gary Connery, parachuting into the Olympic Stadium.

Seconds later the real Queen, wearing the same dress as she did in the filmed sequence, was met with roars of laughter and a standing ovation as she entered the arena together with Prince Philip

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